How we increased our bookings through TikTok.

In today's digital age, social media platforms have become an integral part of our lives. One such platform that has taken the world by storm is TikTok. With its short-form videos and engaging content, TikTok has become a popular platform for businesses and individuals alike. 

Our journey on TikTok began when we decided to create a page for our London-based marketing agency. We knew that TikTok was a platform that had a massive audience, and we wanted to tap into that audience to promote our services. However, we were aware that TikTok was a platform that required a unique approach, and we needed to come up with a strategy that would help us stand out from the crowd.

Our first step was to research TikTok tips and strategies that would help us create engaging content. We learned that TikTok was all about creating short-form videos that were entertaining, informative, and visually appealing. We also learned that TikTok's algorithm favored videos that were engaging and had a high watch time.

With this knowledge, we created a three-week strategy that focused on creating engaging content that would appeal to our target audience. Our strategy involved creating videos that showcased our services, behind-the-scenes footage of our agency, and self care and wellness for entrepreneurs.

We also made sure to use popular hashtags and sounds that were relevant to our content. This helped us reach a wider audience and increase our visibility on the platform. Additionally, we engaged with our followers by responding to comments and messages, which helped us build a loyal following.

Our strategy paid off when one of our videos went viral, reaching 19,3k views, 4545 likes, bookings, and 241 niched followers all organically. The video showcased our agency's videography skills and was visually appealing, inspiring, and entertaining. The video's success was a testament to the effectiveness of our strategy and the power of TikTok as a marketing tool.

Our TikTok journey has been a success so far, thanks to our three-week strategy that focused on creating engaging content, using popular hashtags and sounds, and engaging with our followers. TikTok is a platform that requires a unique approach, and we were able to tap into its massive audience by creating content that we knew our target audience would interact with. 


Threads: Enhancing Personalised Marketing on Instagram


User Generated Content VS Influencer Marketing