Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This notice outlines when and why personal information is collected, how it is used, the conditions under which it may be disclosed, and how it is kept secure.

Who We Are

We are a company who offers Marketing services. 

The Data Protection Officer can be contacted via email.

Data is collected, processed, and stored as the ‘data controller’ of the personal information provided.

What We Need

The information requested is for getting in touch with potential clients.

Personal data includes general information like address, gender, date of birth, contact details, and financial information. 

Sources of Information

Information may come from various sources:

  • Volunteered by the individual

  • Provided by someone else with the authority to do so

Why We Need It

Personal data is requested to carry out bookings for consultations. Examples of its use include:

  • Communication purposes

  • Responding to complaints or allegations

Who Has Access to It

The organization does not sell or rent information to third parties for marketing purposes. While primarily used within the organization, certain circumstances may require disclosure to third parties, ensuring strict adherence to confidentiality.

How Do We Protect Personal Data

Robust technology and operational security standards are employed to safeguard information from loss, misuse, alteration, or destruction. This includes the use of firewalls and data encryption. 

How Long Will We Keep It For

Personal information will be retained for as long as necessary to fulfill intended purposes, as required by law, or as outlined in relevant contracts.

What Are Your Rights

Under GDPR, individuals are entitled to access personal data. Requests can be made in writing to the Data Protection Officer or the person handling the matter.

Complaints About the Use of Personal Data

If there are concerns about how personal data is handled, contact the Data Protection Officer. If unsatisfied, individuals can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

Marketing Data

Individuals may be contacted for direct marketing using personal data collected in accordance with this policy. The organization never sends marketing communications via SMS or call without consent, nor passes on or sells details.

How Personal Data Is Collected

Examples include signing up for newsletters, submitting online inquiries, following/liking/subscribing to social media channels, asking questions via email or social media, and leaving reviews.

How Personal Details May Be Used

Personal information may be used for legitimate business interests.

Your Rights

Individuals have the right to object to this processing.

Any questions regarding this notice should be sent by email.

How to contact us regarding Data Protections matter

Mimi Media Marketing’s Data Protection contact details are:

  • Name: Mimi Media 

  • Email Address:

  • Phone number : 07759787110

  • Address: 40 Victoria Drive , BN208JY

All questions regarding matters relating to Data Protection are to be addressed to the above-mentioned name and address.


This policy was last reviewed by Amelia Carrington on 15.1.2024.